Organization and Planning Grant Requirements Phase One National Press Release

Organization and Planning Grants Requirements


Research the extent of the uninsured problem within the respective community

  • Initiate a community assessment process to identify the scope of the problem

  • Catalogue the resources available in the community to serve the uninsured and underinsured.

Develop an inclusive consortium of community stakeholders

  • Initiate a strong community consensus building process that includes a wide variety of organizations currently involved in funding and delivery of services to the uninsured and underinsured.

Develop an innovative framework and strategy for coordinating services and creating a new approach to health care delivery

  • Plan infrastructure and information system to administer the development and operation of a managed care system.

Begin the design of a delivery and financing system

  • Design and actuarially sound financing approach.

  • Identify dedicated and sustainable sources of funds to pay for the costs of direct care delivery to the uninsured population and program administration.


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